R Immigrations Services Inc.


International Experience Canada offers youth the chance to work and travel in Canada for up to 24 months


News release


International Experience Canada offers youth the chance to work and travel in Canada for up to 24 months. If you are a citizen of a partner country, you may be able to apply to one or more of these 3 categories


• Working Holiday

• Young Professionals

• International Co-op (Internship).

If you’re 18 to 35 (18 to 30 in some countries), come work and travel in Canada through International Experience Canada (IEC)! It’s a government program designed to help you

  • gain valuable international work experience
  • improve your language skills in English and French
  • work in Canada and fund the trip of a lifetime

If you’re a citizen of a partner country, you may be able to apply to one or more of these 3 categories.

You can apply to IEC yourself or you can use a recognized organization (RO) for support before and during your experience. ROs are Canadian-based organizations that help foreign national and Canadian youth work and travel internationally through IEC. In limited circumstances, certain ROs can help small numbers of youth from non-partner countries participate in IEC.


How many times you can participate

Some countries only allow you to participate once. Others allow you to participate twice, but in different categories. Because each country is different, it’s important that you check to see if you’re eligible to apply.

You can’t participate more times than your country allows, even if you’re issued an invitation to apply. An officer will assess your eligibility (including past participations) after you submit your application.

Your participation is only counted when you enter Canada and get your work permit.

Make sure you read and understand all the requirements before you submit an application.